Saturday, December 14, 2013

Warriors Into the Wild

2/5 stars

Into the Wild was not one of my favorites. However if not read the rest of the series will not make sense. It has it’s ups and downs but it is below average. There weren't as many gatherings as the others making it look more important than it is. Also it seemed like the apprentices were over treated. I know they’re the main characters but really cool warriors that were more experienced were left out. For example Willowpelt, Runningwind, Mousefur, etc. Also in the beginning pages where it says who’s in what clan, Windclan and Riverclan barely had any characters in them. It’s also a shame the beginning battle was not a chapter. Finally it only briefly explained how leaders had nine lives and regular cats didn't.

Though with all the bad things there are good. Like the ending battle where the cat’s took over Brokenstar, and ending up sparing his life. Also with their past battle with Shadowclan, Lionheart’s death was very dramatic. Plus seeing the most talented medicine cat Spottedleaf alive is pretty nice. This book as well brings you close to people like Ravenpaw who ended up having to leave for his safety from Tigerclaw. Although it may leave out lots of people from other clans it at least says who the leader is. Finally the last chapter does a good way of making you want to continue the rest of the books..

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