Saturday, December 21, 2013

Warriors A Dangerous Path


This was a great book but it didn't get to the best of the series because it had a few problems. Firstly Bluestar is still unbelieving and this makes you look at her in an not positive way. Also as the series goes on Cloudpaw's name got even worse. He's now Cloudtail! Why can't his name make sense when there are lots of better possibilities like Cloudrain or Cloudstorm. Also Windclan all of the sudden is the ginormous enemy. 

However this book got above average for a good reason. First Cinderpelt's message about a pack being repeated with a damaged cat is suspenseful. Then Graystripe's return is a mix of good and bad. It's pointless of how he left all the sudden just to come back, but People connected to him at a high point where you're happy to see him. Then Snowkit dies and Brackenfur has to have Sandstorm's apprentice instead. This makes Sandstorm feel unwanted and the reader feels for Fireheart since personally he wanted to make Sandstorm happy.Makes you curious of why Tigerstar is so quiet. Then it's revealed he just murdered his friends apprentice with DOGS! He has been a disturbance in the clan defiantly. Then as a cat with no rules he killed some really cool warriors. Now he's in a separate clan as leader and has more power than all the cats in the whole forest. The reader was meant to want to shove the book up his pussycat @$%! and for me I thought to myself that's mission accomplished. They want you to hate Tigerstar more than any other murdering cat and if you don't WHY? The whole dog idea though was brand new and was used in a new way. That ended up killing everyone's favorite She-cat Bluestar. The first and only Thunderclan leader eliminated completely for as far as I've read. Not to mention her death is dramatic and very unfortunate. The reader might as well cry. I didn't but if you did I don't blame you. While your reading Earlier Swiftpaw dies and you think "Oh that sucks." Bluestar's death is a pause where You find yourself shocked and easily found continuing the series. Now Fireheart is determent, depressed, and wanting revenge. As for reader, you want to continue. 

Finally as an extra message post in the comments what you think the best or worst name for Cloudtail is or any other epic Warrior names.

Warriors Rising Storm


Well this book is pretty good it also has some problems that cause it not to be five stars. For example Whitetail is a pretty useless character. apparently he's a rouge and when you just realize it he dies! Kind of a waste of time seeing some random cat die. He's affiliated with Tigerclaw and yet Tigerclaw barely does anything other than kill Runningwind. Then Cloudpaw starts eating twoleg food and is captured. I know this is dramatic for Fireheart but then it's solved right after his grieving.

Then this book is more good than it is bad. Runningwind was a background guy so his death wouldn't be very dramatic. So like the first book connected you with Whitestorm Fireheart gets to connect with Runningwind more often. Then finally at his death from Tigerclaw not only does it prove he's worse a villain as a rouge than a clan cat it makes a sad moment with his death. Then shortly after it kills the rouge Whitetail off. Now he and Littlecloud where the only Shadowclan warriors you connect to. Then there's the whole situation where Cloudpaw is captured and Using Ravenpaw to help is pretty cool how he is able to tell Fireheart where Cloudpaw is at, and before that his capture is very dramatic because he and Fireheart's sister Princess where the only family he had close to him. Escaping after saving him was a suspenseful moment that made you just hope Cloudpaw made it out okay. When he did the rest of the book sort of kept him involved. Then the biggest moment happens there is a forest fire. After they all escape they are missing two elders named Halftail and Patchpelt, and they're missing Bramblekit. Yellowfang and Fireheart decide to go save them. Yellowfang has to grab Halftail while Fireheart gets the kit and Patchpelt. When a tree falls between them Fireheart has to keep going and this defiantly makes you aware since Yellowfang is a big character and the reader wants her to get out alive. As Patchpelt breaths to much smoke the older cat dies. This is a new feeling for the reader because Elders have never died before. As you stop thinking about Yellowfang and Halftail, Bramblekit becomes a kind of cat who sees things dramatically and who you connect to. However as you read on you approach his personality carefully because he is Tigerclaw's son.  Then Fireheart returns to Bluestar and the others. Finally they stay at Riverclan and you get the idea that the leader of Riverclan will die soon. This is some kind of emotion because leaders have died but never a good one. This scenario reminds you of how Bluestar only has one life left. After a while Yellowfang dies dramatically. However Starclan lied to Bluestar so she no longer attends gatherings which is also a big change in the original ways of the series. Finally the ending tells how Tigerclaw is now Tigerstar leader of Shadowclan! TWIST ENDING!!!! This is a huge cliffhanger and highly persuades you to continue.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Warriors Forest of secrets


Warriors Forest of secrets was a conclusion situation. Tigerclaw was banned from his home in the clan and i know I complained how the first two books were cliffhangers but this one in particular is a combination of end and just the beginning. The main character Fireheart is now at his second apprentice and it isn't that much of a deal. Cloudpaw not only has a stupid name but is so much of a background character compared to how important Cinderpaw was. Then there's the problem how Dustpelt isn't a jerk he used to be. As the series go on he continuously changes his personality. What is he supposed to be? He's just another cat who used to be one of those kind of bully guys who now acts like he just sits in the background and betrays his old friend.

However this book gets above average because Tigerclaw was such a problem inside the clan and everyone will be eager to see what he does as a rouge. Plus the factor how Fireheart investigates the riverclan cats for more information about where Tigerclaw did his first kill. The Riverclan part of book two really helped it and to keep the riverclan group alive is awesome. Also there's Brokenstar who was the main bad guy in the first book and did some bad stuff in the second. There's an amazing secret released how the medicine cat Yellowfang was his really his mother (Star Wars reference.) Especially how she ends up being his killer on purpose.  This book completely changes your perspective on Yellowfang. Also it is very dramatic the way Graystripe's mate Silverstream dies and he has to join Riverclan to be with the kits. Finally at the end the truth of Tigerclaw is revealed and i guess is the motivation for the name of the book.How this is going to continue is the question has no answer. Unless your like me and are way past that book, there are way to many possibilities now that Tigerclaw has sworn revenge on Fireheart.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Warriors Fire and Ice

Some small situations about the second book is that several random events occur. Also this proves it is another carry on book just like the first one where it didn't solve the resolution. Plus after two harsh dramatic deaths in the first book it is expected here but doesn't happen.

However several important mid revealing events save the book and make it above average. For example a con about the first book was lack of clans. Well here the first five chapters it explains Windclan successfully. Also the fact Graystripe is in a Romeo and Juliet situation with Riverclan warrior Silverstream not only introduces a classic idea but also introduces Riverclan more. Plus this is the first time the main characters Fireheart and Graystripe have their own apprentices. Now the apprentice Cinderpaw has a saddening event where her leg is harshly injured. Like the last book the ending persuades you to continue reading the series which is the author's goal. Finally the fact one of the biggest characters leader of Thunderclan Bluestar is at her last life which worries the reader of what follows.

Warriors Into the Wild

2/5 stars

Into the Wild was not one of my favorites. However if not read the rest of the series will not make sense. It has it’s ups and downs but it is below average. There weren't as many gatherings as the others making it look more important than it is. Also it seemed like the apprentices were over treated. I know they’re the main characters but really cool warriors that were more experienced were left out. For example Willowpelt, Runningwind, Mousefur, etc. Also in the beginning pages where it says who’s in what clan, Windclan and Riverclan barely had any characters in them. It’s also a shame the beginning battle was not a chapter. Finally it only briefly explained how leaders had nine lives and regular cats didn't.

Though with all the bad things there are good. Like the ending battle where the cat’s took over Brokenstar, and ending up sparing his life. Also with their past battle with Shadowclan, Lionheart’s death was very dramatic. Plus seeing the most talented medicine cat Spottedleaf alive is pretty nice. This book as well brings you close to people like Ravenpaw who ended up having to leave for his safety from Tigerclaw. Although it may leave out lots of people from other clans it at least says who the leader is. Finally the last chapter does a good way of making you want to continue the rest of the books..